
CareWeb began as an internal project inside the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in 2013, where I was first a contractor, followed by an employee with the title Lead Salesforce Architect.

I continued to support the CareWeb ecosystem project while an employee at MuleSoft where I joined in 2011, where it served as a powerful collaboration and ecosystem partnership vector between Salesforce, MuleSoft, UCSF, and numerous other third party organizations such as IDEO that led the initial design.

When I left UCSF to join MuleSoft, I had been working with most of the senior leadership at Salesforce, one of whom questioned my decision to leave a high visibility position at UCSF to join a small "donkey startup" they had never heard of. :) My response was that integration layer was the primary limiting factor in Salesforce being able to enter the healthcare market, and my vision was for "Salesforce and MuleSoft to get married, with UCSF to deliver the baby". :)

CareWeb, in serving as the first reference healthcare account for both Salesforce and MuleSoft, as well as the first time Epic had been integrated with Salesforce using Mule, represented the foundational intellectual property that led to both the Salesforce Health Cloud and the acquisition of MuleSoft by Salesforce.

The CareWeb ecosystem project was presented on the main stage at the Salesforce Dreamforce conference by Dr. Michael Blum, the CMIO of UCSF, and it won an innovation award at the HIMMS conference.

Furthermore, CareWeb became one of the founding lighthouse projects for the UCSF Center for Digital Health Innovation, a groundbreaking partnership model between industry healthcare innovators: (CDHI). Through CDHI, CareWeb became the first software technology that UCSF licensed commercially through its technology transfer office, with 29 authors listed as co-inventors, a testament to the highly collaborative nature of the project.

This is a video of one of the early prototypes of CareWeb, which I presented at a Salesforce Analytics Meetup in San Francisco. It was the first time MuleSoft had ever been presented at a Salesforce Meetup, as well as the first public demonstration of the Salesforce Streaming API used in a healthcare use case, along with the first demonstration of Salesforce Streaming API support for the MuleSoft Salesforce connector:


UCSF’s CareWeb is a social network for patient care, and Salesforce likes it — a lot
Exclusive The product is like a mashup of Twitter, Facebook, and the electronic health record.
Exclusive: Salesforce to make big push into healthcare industry
Salesforce Inc is betting big on healthcare, hiring key personnel and ramping up investment in hopes of replacing outmoded medical industry infrastructure and carving out a $1 billion annual business.

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